You are so fed up with working a job you despise, and have a deep desire to share your heart with the world, and make the money you deserve doing so.
Lifestyle & Career Design – Private Coaching means you are in it to win it – and ready for the long haul. This is a transformational program that is completely personalized to your current lifestyle and uncovering the limiting beliefs that are holding you back from taking steps towards your ultimate life. With private coaching calls and personalized creative content – there is no doubt in my mind that if you follow through, implement the tools and strategies, and stay committed – you will experience huge relief – and radically change your lifestyle and career into something absolutely freeing and rewarding.
This Package includes:
> 1 Initial Intake Coaching Call (90 minutes)
> 9 Follow Up Coaching Calls (60 Minutes)
> Every session recorded and emailed for you to keep
> Unlimited text/email support between sessions
> Guides/Homework/Resources/Articles – relevant to each session
> Freebies – personalized creative content for you and your journey
> 6 Months of Support & Accountability
Follow Up Sessions:
After you complete the 6 Month Program you can continue to receive coaching calls at a discounted rate of $125 per session.
Transform your Life Price:
$3,000 in full or 6 Monthly Payments of $500.
Ready to completely change your life and career?