Embodied and How to Live in the Flow

Embodied and How to Live in the Flow

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A yogi’s perspective to embody and live well.

I feel so embodied after I getting back from my very first Yoga Retreat experience. The Embodiment Project Yoga and Nutrition Retreat was hosted by Sue Van Raes of Boulder Nutrition, and it’s still vibrating through my cells. What this yoga & nutrition retreat reminded me is that it’s absolutely necessary to take a break. The Importance to surround yourself with people that inspire you, and hold sacred space for you is a non-negotiable. You have to take precious care of your Body, Mind, Heart & Spirit. Because if you are ignoring one of those areas within you, it’s a sure sign that you are not living life in true alignment.

Since the Retreat my yoga classes have been shall I say, softer. I’ve been creating more space for conversation and connection. I haven’t been cueing people to stretch further, rather stretch into where they’re at now. Everything has slowed down, and my students are feeling amazing after an hour together on the mat. There has been more of an emphasis on breath, relaxation, to meet yourself, check-in with the different parts of you, honor what’s going on in your life, and know that it’s okay to feel all the feelings – because they’re all neutral in the yoga practice.

I personally have been doing 5 minute check-ins throughout the day.

I’ve been more intentional with my class preparations, and how I’m showing up in communication. I even had a “Mindful Moment” at Jimmy John’s – of all places it’s the “freaky fast” place, and I chose to sit and eat my sandwich and sea salt & vinegar chips in absolute bliss. No cell phone, eating in the car, or scarfing the entire thing. All around me I saw people moving “freaky fast”, and all I wanted to do was invite them to my table and have a conversation with me over a Beach Club and Hydroflask full of water.

You don’t have to be a monk who sits on top of a mountain 20 hours a day to mediate in order to live your life embodied and in the flow. In fact, you don’t have to eat all organic, practice yoga, or be a blonde white female, either. To me, living embodied means taking the time to check-in with yourself daily. How does your physical body feel? What aches and pains or sensations are present? Is there spinning in the mind today? Can you notice the stories that are being told and how they make you feel? What’s waning on your heart? Are you following your passions and deepest desires? Is your heart pulling you toward something and are you listening to it or pushing away? Do you feel connected to your spiritual self? Or disconnected?

None of the answers you come up with are right or wrong. They just are.

You can’t fight with reality. Your perception of what’s happening in the now. When you take just a few moments to go inward, you can then take action from an embodied place. This action is what allows you to “live in flow”. Instead of forcing yourself to eat healthy, you begin to crave healthy foods because you know how you will feel after eating them. When you workout you do so by actually doing something fun that involves moving your body – not working out because you have fat to burn. The idea of being embodied and living in the flow should eventually trickle over into your work. You love what you do for a living and you also love receiving money for it. I want you to even consider your partner or primary relationship and if it feels in the flow/sensual/embodied.

The idea of living embodied and in the flow is a beautiful one. So why is it so hard for you to stay in the flow or to feel embodied all of the time?

It’s pretty simple, really. You are always evolving. Sometimes you make choices that evolve you closer to that state of bliss, and other times you makes choices that actually de-evolve you and hinder you from reaching that state of bliss. The more conscious you become of your thoughts/emotions/beliefs and actions, the more obvious it will be to you which ones are supportive and which ones are not. The work is never really done! Every day you are checking back in with yourself, hopefully multiple times a day, and evaluating what you need. Lifestyle Design isn’t just some frivolous thing that only the chosen few get to have. It’s available to anyone that’s open to receiving it. You can design a life you love if you believe you can. You can live embodied and in the flow more often than you are now.

It will take a commitment.

You might have to let go of something or someone in your life that you know is holding you back. It could be a deeply entrenched “toxic false belief” that you’ve been telling yourself over and over and over again in your head. Maybe you don’t love where you live; that will have to change. You hate your body so it will be hard to feel embodied. Feel stuck in a job that you absolutely hate but need the money. I say all of these examples because I’ve lived and transformed every single one of them.

My hope for you is that you are in search for Relief. 

That you are so ready to feel embodied and in the flow. All-in with this idea of being able to be in the body you have now, and to move through life in a whole different way – the flow way. Eat in a slow, and pleasurable way (without guilt or shame or tight control). Invite movement that feels joyful, stress relieving, open, and integrative (this might be yoga, but it HAS to be something you enjoy).

Once your survival needs are taken care of, and you’re feeding and moving yourself well (for you), you will be able to step fully into your power. Deliver your gifts, do what you were called to do, and gracefully be compensated for it. Spark a new flame in your love life. Meet all the right people, at the right times. And finally know how to live embodied and in the flow.

Feel like you need some guidance to live a life Embodied and in the Flow? Check out my newest creation – the “Embody your Life” Template below! It’s a one page handout that is super straight forward, and will ask you all the right questions. I suggest that you print it out and grab your favorite pen to journal out your answers. Enjoy!!


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Go ahead and grab this template I created just for you to help you navigate Embodiment, what that means to you, and how to bring more of it into your super flowy life!

{Click the Green Button Above! <3}

Yoga Immersion 100 Hour with Pierre Couvillion

Yoga Immersion at its best. Settle in for some deep learning this Fall with a 10 Day Yoga, Ayurveda, Body Work & Breathing Immersion (100hr). Brought to you by Santosha Yoga School, founder Pierre Couvillion, and hosted at Maha Soul Yoga Studio in downtown Littleton. We welcome you to experience yoga at its true essence as we delve into yoga and its philosophy. We will also study meditation and breathing, the ancient study of Ayurvedic medicine, along with body work and yoga lab.

While this immersion can absolutely be taken to deepen your practice on its own, it can also be the beginning of your 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training.

Santosha Yoga School is accredited with both Yoga Alliance and the National Ayurvedic Medical Association.

The 10 Days are October 5 – 14th, 2018

Daily schedule

Friday Oct 5, 4-9pm

Saturday Oct 6 – Saturday Oct 13, 7:30am – 7:30pm

Sunday Oct 14, 7:30am – 3:30pm

Early Bird pricing: $995 paid in full by Sept. 1st 

$1495 thereafter

Partial attendance: $249 for any 20 hours, before Sep 1st

$299 thereafter

All classes will be held at Maha Soul in Historic Downtown Littleton. 5739 S. Curtice St. Littleton, CO 80120


I will personally be signing up for several 20 HR slots that fit my schedule accordingly, and this is something you can consider too. I’m already Certified to teach yoga at the 200 HR Level, so I’m using this Immersion to continue my education and learn from a Master Teacher like Pierre. I’m most excited to take this time for myself and to learn and grow my personal yoga practice, but also to become a better teacher. My teaching style is rooted in Yoga Therapy and personalizing sequences for students that best support their physical needs and limitations. It will be a great refresher for me to dive into Sanskrit, Chanting, Ayurveda, and Breathing Techniques that I haven’t really practiced much since my Initial 200 hr teacher training.

Watch the Video Below for a 10-Minute Interview with Pierre Couvillion and to learn more about the 100 HR Immersion!

AUDIO ONLY: Interview with Pierre Couvillion: 100 HR Yoga Immersion in Littleton, Colorado October 2018

For More Information on this Training please use the links above or visit https://www.santosha-school.com


Needs before Desires to Make Dreams Reality

If I didn’t take care of my needs before my desires, I would always just be chasing my dreams.

My Needs, at the core, are what I need to feel like I can survive without living in a constant state of stress. Some of my needs are healthy food, lots of sleep, love, companionship, mindful movement, cleanliness, shelter, friends, family, self-care, knowledge/wisdom, nature, an abundant mindset, laughter, etc.

My Desires, of the heart, are what I ache for to feel like I’m living my life on purpose in the exact way it’s supposed to be lived. Some of my desires are to help women overcome binge eating; to introduce yoga to beginner’s and people that are suffering with pain. Other desires are to make a difference, go on worldwide retreats, receive my 500hr YTT, to be a Mother, to make more money, to have a team, to be a leader, to be an example, etc.

I have looked outside of myself for answers. I knew that I was suffering and I knew I was a big part of the reason why. Without taking care of anything that was right in front of me I decided to flee. To runaway from all the pain that I was feeling. At the time I didn’t understand that no matter where I went, or who I tried to become, I was still bringing my old self with me.

At first I faked it. I was pushing food away because it made me feel skinnier and more powerful. I acted like I knew what was best for me, and no one else’s opinion mattered. I was lucky enough to be taken care of by family, without that I wouldn’t have had a place to call home. I was living the “gypsy” life, free-spirited and open to really any new experience life brought me.

I was out chasing a dream. I had a deep desire to travel and see the world. I wanted to heal my self-sabotaging patterns and figure out how to make them stop. I wanted to “fix” myself really. I constantly felt broken, like I wasn’t enough. So I was obsessed with “getting better” so I could feel whole, like I was enough.

What I didn’t know then, and what I do know now, is that I have to take care of my NEEDS before my DESIRES.

I’m only able to achieve my desires and turn them into reality IF all of my needs are met. If I keep myself busy chasing after desireswhen I’m not even feeding myself properly, I’ll never be able to achieve my desiresfully. If my basic survival needsare not being met, then there’s no way I can meet my desires.

It’s easy to get needs and desires twisted and mingled together. Anytime I have a big goal I’m going after, and it feels tough/contracted/stressed/ or up-stream – the first thing I do now is look at my needs. 

I ask myself, “What do I really need in this moment?”

Most the time it’s related to self-care, stress reduction, tuning in, breathing, slowing down, relaxing, etc. Without fulfilling these needs then there’s really no point in going after my desire because in the end it doesn’t feel good. So no matter what I have to make sure my needs are being met, so I can feel the way I want to feel, as I go after my deeper desires.

I was first introduced to these concepts in my Lifestyle Design Coaching Certification with Abundant Yogi, and now I coach my clients through this process as well. In order to create a “Game Worth Playing” in my life (and business) I first had to decide…

How do I want to feel (most of the time)? 


What do I need to do in order to feel that way?


How can I make these into supportive processes and systems?


What are my 1-3 big goals/desires to manifest and accomplish?

Through this process of “Creating my Game Worth Playing” I’m able to have a clear roadmap and guiding intention in my work and life. When I reverse engineer and focus on the way I want to feel first, then figure out what I want to do/how it’s going to work out/what it all looks like – I will be lead me to my ultimate desires. I will also be able to see it through and make sure it happens because it feels so goodthat it’s bound to happen.

Kris Ward of Abundant Yogi states, “Remember to put needs before desires. If you try to chase desires before your needs are met, you won’t be on stable footing. You’ll feel chaotic versus grounded and clear.”

Needs are almost always connected to that little girl (or boy) within. The one that gets hurt, that feels the feelings, that holds the past traumas, that still needs to be taken care of by the Adult Self. Desiresare more like the Teenager/Rebel/Ego inside that wants to get noticed, be worthy, and be prestigious. Desires have a bit more masculine energy to get things done and to be accomplished. Desires are definitely not a bad thing. They are much needed to be creative and to see our dreams become our realities.

All I’m saying is, check in with needs and make sure they are being met before chasing desires. Take care of the entire vision. It’s easy to lose in the pursuit of a desire if needs are not tended to first. If something isn’t feeling quite right, then it’s not quite right. Create a “Game Worth Playing” for the long haul. Decide how it’s going to feel, what it’s going to look like, how it will provide support and accountability, and what the ultimate goal is. Get crystal clear on that, and be amazed to look back at a life created by design, not default.

Light & Love,



Radio Interview with All Business Media FM

I had a lot of fun doing this interview about Hungryoga with All Business Media FM.
They are an advertising company based out of New York that specializing in helping businesses create media to get their work out into the world. They loved what Hungryoga had to say, giving us a rating of 8.6 / 10.

Listen to the Interview below, or read the transcript to get to know me and Hungryoga just a little bit better!

Company Background: My online business hungryoga.com is a platform for Mindful Movement, Mind Body Eating & Lifestyle Design Coaching. I offer private coaching specifically for women struggling with binge eating, emotional eating, and negative body image. I also coach people who desire to become coaches or entrepreneurs how to make that transition and reverse engineer their lives into the exact lifestyle that they desire. I have online courses available for people interested in learning Yoga and Mindful Movement; including my Beginner’s Yoga Online Course, the Backyard Beauty Series, and the Chair Yoga Online Course. You can see all of these offering and also lots of free content over at www.hungryoga.com. 

Tell us about your background of your business and yourself.
My name is Macy Graham, and I’m the sole Coach and Owner of Hungryoga.com. Hungryoga was founded in 2014, and has been growing ever since. I started Hungryoga after quitting my corporate management job with a deep desire to help women have a positive relationship with food and body. I myself struggled with binge eating and negative body image in college, which is what led me to become a coach in the first place. I’m a Certified Yoga Teacher, Mind Body Eating Coach from the Institute for Psychology of Eating in Boulder, CO, and a Lifestyle Design Coach certified through AbundantYogi.com. I currently live in Littleton, Colorado and in my spare time I love to go to yoga classes, go on hikes, invest in personal development, and cook homemade meals at home.

What inspired you to pursue your profession?

Coaching and Teaching Mind Body principles and practices to help women overcome their struggles with food and body, is my biggest passion in life. In yoga they call this your dharma, our highest calling. For me it’s a non-negotiable to help women transform their lives and actually have a positive relationship with food and body. I know how painful it is to be in the cycle of shame and guilt with food and hating your body. I’m so inspired to share that it is possible to live life a different way, and actually enjoy the skin that you’re in while not having to obsess about food.
Why do you think yoga is so benefical for people struggling with food?
The practice of yoga isn’t just great for you physically, but mentally and spiritually too. Yoga really allows a person to slow down and get present which is an important concept for anyone that binge eats or emotionally eats. It’s really important for people to have the tools to drop into a relaxation response, or the Parasympathetic Nervous System. It’s easy to live in a stressed state, or the Sympathetic Nervous System dominance. The practice of yoga teaches a person how to stay calm, present, and to just feel really good in the moment (and body) they’re currently in.
Where do you see yourself in the near future?
I see myself leading Yoga & Mind Body Eating Retreats here in Colorado. I’m also working on building my library of Online Courses and Digital Content so I can work with people from all over the world. Something that’s really important to me is creating freedom in my life and the lives of the people I work with. Financial freedom, work freedom, and location freedom are all important as I look into the future and start my family. I truly believe this work is healing the world and the feminine nature, and I’m grateful to be a part of this movement.
I’m super grateful for this experience and for every single one of you tuning into this powerful work. It is possible to create a life you love, and to no longer feel guilty about the person you are. No one else is like you, and that’s absoltuely amazing! That means that no one else has gone through your experiences. They can’t provide what you can uniquely offer. There’s no such thing as competition! It’s time to take the pressure off, learn and grow into the person you’ve always dreamed of, and let go of any limiting beliefs holding you back from that vision.

If you are struggling with food it’s trying to teach you a deeper lesson.  

Take better care of yourself. Stop numbing out to the reality of you life. Reflect on what is really happening, and what is no longer serving you. Food issues show up when other areas of your life are not being fulfilled. For everyone it is different. You may hate where you live. It could be your not in the right job. Maybe you are in a bad relationship. Family issues. Spiritual confusion. Mental Illness. And so much more…

I hope you enjoyed listening in on the interview or reading through the transcript! I felt like All Business Media FM did a great job of capturing what Hungryoga is all about, and asked the right questions for the right people to find me online. If you resonated with this interview, and think we would make a good team to work together, reach out! All of my info is listed above. Head over to my Coaching Tab if you are ready to dive into private coaching with me. Whether you are struggling with food and body, or feel lost in becoming a coach and building your online brand, I’m here to help!

I’m on your side,

Join the Facebook Group: Mindful Movement w/ Macy

Join the Facebook Group: Mindful Movement w/ Macy

Mindful Movement w/ Macy

The new private facebook group that HY offers for free, quick, effective, fun, at-home “workouts”.

Hey loves!

I’m really enjoying Mindful Movement w/ Macy to connect with my students from allll over, and provide some freebie content for everyone that supports me and wants to be more involved in what Hungryoga is all about.

So what is Hungryoga all about?

Hungryoga is the union of mindful movement, eating psychology, and living life by design.

Mindful Movement is the first step. For way too long, I was using exercise as punishment. I had the mentality, “no pain, no gain” and the only thing I was gaining… was weight.

Did you know that overexercising, too much cardio, and high intensity working out – can actually cause you to gain weight?

Ya. Crazy.

But so true. When our body is in a constant state of Stress, we tend to hold onto weight to protect us.

That’s why it is my PASSION to provide people with Mindful Movement. To do things that actually feel good. Give you more energy. Leave you feeling better. More integrated. Connected. And Confident.

In Mindful Movement w/ Macy I share short, fun, and laid back Pilates, Yoga, & Strength Training videos. I will also hop on and just connect with you. This group is completely free, but I will talk about upcoming courses, workshops, and other offers online so members of the private group will know about my offers first.

My goal and intention with this group is to give a lot of value, help people love themselves again and realize that exercise can feel good again.

The latest video I posted is with a Resistance Band! A short and sweet 13 minute video : )

You can purchase the ones I use below. Love them!

<iframe style="width:120px;height:240px;" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" src="//ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?ServiceVersion=20070822&OneJS=1&Operation=GetAdHtml&MarketPlace=US&source=ac&ref=qf_sp_asin_til&ad_type=product_link&tracking_id=hungryoga-20&marketplace=amazon®ion=US&placement=B071RMR5VN&asins=B071RMR5VN&linkId=545a0f255a5ae1c4776c67bf7f6d1f7f&show_border=false&link_opens_in_new_window=false&price_color=333333&title_color=0066c0&bg_color=ffffff"><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --> </iframe>

I hope you will join me and everyone else in Mindful Movement w/ Macy

Lots of Love!

Yoga Ayurveda Colorado Retreat : Pierre Couvillion

Yoga Ayurveda Colorado Retreat : Pierre Couvillion


Hello everyone, it’s Macy here from Hungryoga and I’m excited to share this interview with Pierre Couvillion about his life & more on the Yoga Ayurveda Colorado Retreat. 

Pierre is offering a Yoga Ayurveda Colorado Retreat here in Littleton, Colorado on October 7th & 8th at Ascent Therapy Clinic. This is where I teach private yoga and semi-private yoga, pilates and strength classes. We are so thrilled to help Pierre host this Retreat and bring his knowledge and wisdom to Littleton.

Pierre is triple certified in yoga at the 500hr, is an Ayurveda Practitioner, & Massage Therapist. He owns Santosha Yoga School in Indianapolis, and teaches retreats all across the globe.

I hope that this interview will give you a deeper connection to Pierre and all that he has to offer.

Without further anticipation, here’s Pierre!


In this interview you will learn:

– A grounding pranayama and sanskrit exercise

– Pierre’s life journey and how he got where he is today

– Details on the Yoga Ayurveda Colorado Retreat coming up in October.

  • What’s all going to be offered at this retreat?
  • How is it going to benefit the students that decide to commit to this experience?
  • Who would you say this retreat was designed for? Is it for beginners to yoga, yoga teachers, or both?
  • What type of transformation do you expect your students to have walking away from this retreat?

– Where to find more details on the retreat, and how to sign-up. 

Sign-Up : santosha-school.com/colorado-oct-2017/ 

** Early Bird pricing ends on Sept. 1st. $89 for 8 hours of tuition. $120 after Sept. 1st **

Questions? Contact Macy at 720-336-1030 or email [email protected]

Thank you everyone for listening! We hope to see you in October at the Yoga Ayurveda Colorado Retreat in Littleton, Colorado.


Sign-Up for The Yoga + Ayurveda Colorado Retreat!

An Experience You Will Never Forget